
A Day of Mechanic at Garage: Smooth Car Service with Mobile Apps
Jack efficiently manages John’s car repair service from notification to completion. He inspects the car, creates a job card, and observation checklist, and estimates costs using a mobile app. After processing the job and updating the repair status, he notifies John of the completion time. Once the service is done, Jack swiftly generates an invoice and gate pass for online payment and vehicle pickup, respectively. Finally, he schedules a follow-up appointment for John.
8:00 AM: Jack Receives a Notification that John BOOKED CAR REPAIR SERVICE.
9:00 AM: Jack quickly INSPECTS John’s car, checking its overall condition.
9:30 AM: Jack uses an app to create a JOB CARD and send it to John.
10:00 AM: Jack Creates an OBSERVATION CHECKLIST as per car inspection.
10:30 AM: Jack adds the SERVICES & PARTS needed through the mobile app
11:00 AM: Jack generates the COST ESTIMATE for John through the mobile App
12:00 PM: Jack now PROCESSES JOB and fixes the car issues one by one.
2:30 PM: Jack updates the CAR REPAIR Status to ensure transparency.
3:30 PM: Jack sent a MESSAGE to John that the car would be ready by 6 PM.
4:30 PM: Jack’s service is completed. The car is heading to the WASHBAY.
5:00 PM: A quick INVOICE generation for John. He swiftly pays through the App.
5:50 PM: Jack sees the ONLINE PAYMENT is done so he generates a Gate Pass through the app.
5:55 PM: John arrives at the garage where Jack gives him both the GATE PASS and his car key.
6:00 PM: Jack Books FOLLOW UP Car Repair Appointment and sets a reminder for that.
This story shows how the Garage System keeps things easy for John during his car service.

Customer Journey: John’s Hassle-Free Car Maintenance Experience
The car maintenance process was straightforward and convenient. The first step was checking the service center’s opening hours. Next, the car was inspected, and the estimated cost was provided through an app. Once the estimate was approved, the progress of the work was tracked, and the inspection was carried out online. When the repairs were complete, the car was ready for pickup. Payment was made online, and the gate pass was received by 6 PM.
8:30 AM: John wakes up and curious about his car’s upkeep, he checks the service center’s OPENING HOURS
9:00 AM: Ready to start the day, John drives his car to the SERVICE CENTER, anticipating routine maintenance.
9:30 AM: A mechanic quickly INSPECTS John’s car, checking its overall condition.
10:00 AM: John receives a COST ESTIMATE through a Garage App, offering a transparent breakdown of the service expenses.
11:00 AM: John gets a copy of JOBCARD in the mobile app for approval
12:00 PM: The Service team sent a MESSAGE to him that the car will be ready by 6 PM.
2:00 PM: The Garage Master lets John TRACK his CAR live, showing ongoing Maintenance Activities.
3:00 PM: The App lets John VIRTUALLY INSPECT his car’s condition, Ensuring that all necessary tasks have been performed satisfactorily.
5:00 PM: John gets a message that the car is in WASHBAY and ready to be picked up.
5:45 PM: John makes an ONLINE PAYMENT through a mobile App and on successful payment, Gatepass is issued
6:00 PM: John arrives at the garage, securing both the GATE PASS and his car key.
This story shows how the Garage System keeps things easy and straightforward for John during his car service.